Install balenaEtcher on your PC by downloading and installing from:
Follow these steps to configure your RemoteTx micro sd card
Steps to Flash the RemoteTx image to your micro SD Card.
- Insert your micro SD Card into your PC. (8Gb or larger in size)
- Open balenaEtcher and choose ‘Flash from URL’.
- Select, Copy and Paste the address below into the Use Image URL field:
(You can easily select the address below by clicking the mouse button on it 3 times.)
- Click OK.
- Click Select Target.
- Click on the Checkbox to the left of your sd Card USB device and then click the Select button.
(Be careful to choose the correct device.)
- Click the Flash button.
- You will be prompted by a Windows Security Dialog window.
Click Yes.
- If you see a Format Disk windows dialog pop up, make SURE to click Cancel.
- If you see the following Location is not available message pop up, click OK.
- You should see the Decompression (downloading) phase run.
(It can take several minutes depending on how fast your internet connection is.)
- Then the Flashing phase should run.
- Then the Validating phase should run.
- When it is successfully finished you should see Flash Completed!
- Close balenaEtcher.
- Remove the micro SD Card from your PC.
- Re-insert the micro SD Card back into your PC so that it is remounted.
Open up a File Explorer window and look for the sd Card and click/select it to see it’s contents. (This may also happen automatically after several seconds.)
Many times it shows up in File Explorer as a boot (D:) drive.
- In another File Explorer window, open your Downloads folder (or the location where you saved the ‘remotetx.conf’ file) and copy/paste it to the sd Card (boot D:) drive.
(This can also be accomplished by dragging and dropping the file between 2 File Explorer windows.)
IMPORTANT!! – MAKE SURE THAT THE remotetx.conf file is named exactly remotetx.conf and does not have any extra symbols or numbers in it.
Sometimes if it is downloaded multiple times into the downloads folder from you web browser email, multiple copies will have extra numbers added to them. These will NOT work.
- When it is copied, you should see it show up near the bottom of the files in the boot D: drive.
- Eject the sd card by right-mouse-clicking on the boot D: drive and then selecting Eject.
- Preparation of the RemoteTx sd card is now COMPLETE.
- Put the sd card in your Raspberry Pi and plug the Pi into your Internet router with an ethernet cable.
- Plug your radio into the Pi with a USB cable.
(This isn’t absolutely necessary for the Pi to boot up and get online, but of course needs to be done to control your radio.) - Power up the Pi and wait about 3 minutes.
- Your Pi should now be online and connected to the RemoteTx network.
- To control the Pi and the Radio go to: and enter your callsign and password. - You should see the Network (ms) icon change from Connecting… to a varying number that indicates your network connection latency.
(If this value stays on Connecting… , something is wrong and your Pi is not connected to the RemoteTx network. The most common reasons are: either your Pi is not actually successfully connected to the Internet OR the remotetx.conf file has not been successfully copied.)